On 13 April 2021, numerous partners of the 3IT came together in the second Partner Meeting, which took place online. The partners of the 3IT met virtually and were able to brief each other about news and innovations as well as to decide upon future common projects and the direction of the 3IT.
The first Partner Meeting was inaugurated last year and has superseded the Steering Committee Meeting. The Steering Committee Meeting, chaired by Dr. Ralf Schäfer, consisted of 3IT’s gold and platinum partners and was in charge of the 3IT’s strategic direction. In the Partner Meeting, the new participative format of the 3IT, all 3IT partners are able to attend. It takes place up to four times a year and thus introduces a new approach for decision-making processes.
The 3IT offers its partners the unique possibility to collaborate in the field of immersive imaging technologies in a pre-competitive environment: as a virtual network, as a platform and as a venue. As part of the network, the 3IT partners enjoy multiple advantages: The 3IT serves both as a communication platform for providers, users and a broad audience and as a marketing instrument for advertising, sales and PR. Moreover, the 3IT provides a development platform and testbed for immersive imaging technologies, applications and infrastructures for its partners. Additionally, the partners are given a platform of knowledge exchange through workshops and conferences. Last, but not least, 3IT’s partners are supported in research projects on industry-relevant applications – with a possibility for technical advice and financial support from the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMWi).
Throughout the Partner Meeting, the partners had the chance to discuss their views and needs within the network in a very friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Obviously, the current situation caused by the pandemic has affected nearly all partners and equally the activities of the 3IT. Consequently, the 3IT has largely increased its PR work and its Social Media presence and the participation and presentation of its partners at virtual events.
The 2nd Partner Meeting has been successful in bringing up a lively discussion about new ideas for projects and workshops, just as seen in the last Partner Meeting. All participating partners have been inspired through the mutual exchange and have left the meeting with numerous stimulating thoughts in mind.
We are very much looking forward to our next partner meeting, which will take place in October of this year! If you are interested in staying up to date, subscribe to our newsletter.
Not a partner yet, but interested in joining the next meeting? Feel free to write us a mail.