In the 25-minute long music film “360° Figaro” , an opera scene was conceived and staged exclusively for Virtual Reality (VR) for the first time, using Fraunhofer HHI’s OmniCam-360.
The OmniCam-360, a panorama camera developed at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI, played a significant role in the production of the second act from Mozart’s „Figaro’s Wedding“. In this project, impressive 360° recordings of the live performing singers and musicians were produced. The result shows a unique 25-minute immersive video experience: The viewers are being placed in the center of the performance which enables them to dive into the scene audio visually. Thus, they get the feeling that they themselves are participating live in the opera.
The film project was realized by Pars Media in cooperation with the Leipzig Opera, the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and digital images GmbH. The project was supported by the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Nordmedia and the FilmFernsehFonds Bayern.
“360° Figaro” can be experienced at the 3IT! Make an appointment now!