On 18 and 19 February, just in time with the beginning of the Berlinale, our partners Sony, Lawo and Rohde & Schwarz came together to celebrate what has become one of the most popular events at the 3IT: the annual Technology Innovation Days. Business partners and industry experts of the broadcast market gathered in the facilities of the 3IT and the CINIQ Center for a 2-day pitch and networking event. This year’s topic was all about finding ‘orientation along the new shores’ and included answering the question of the human factor in the new digitalized and virtualized working environment of the technology and media industry.
New ideas have formed, experiences have been exchanged and new contributions have been discussed. The workshops, which have taken place in the ‘Expert Lounge’ parallel to the lectures, proved their worth again and have been very well received by the participants.
You can find the presentations here, if your interest has been sparked!
As in former years, the event was accompanied by the Visual Facilitator Malte von Tiesenhausen, who graphically summarized the approaches and solutions given in the many talks and helped in creating a broader picture of the aims of the event. The final version of it can be found under the presentation’s link.
The date for the next Technology Innovation Days has been set already:
Date: 23 and 24 February 2021
Loation: 3IT and CINIQ
Save the date!