3IT Project Manager Maria Ott Presented the Partner Network at Innovatour Congress 2021

On 23 March 2021, 3IT project manager Maria Ott presented our partner network at this year’s Innovatour Congress.
The congress was dedicated to everything surrounding the latest innovations from the fields of technology, mobility, life science, fintech and insurtech, with the goal to bring together smaller and larger companies and players working in tech.
From 23 to 26 March, the participants came together from diverse areas of the tech industry, ranging from young startups and innovation hubs, to large companies and research institutions.

On the first of four congress days, everything related to “Consumer Electronics” was the topic of discussion. Maria Ott gave a short insight into the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and its research fields and then focused on introducing the 3IT with its showroom, partners, projects, aims and the displayed cutting-edge demonstrators in the 3IT facilities.  

In the presentation of projects and technologies at the 3IT, Maria Ott spoke about 360 degree panorama video and audio production, the most recent 3IT project TeleSTAR, which focuses on AR-based 3D live broadcasting from the ER, and the Streaming of Interactive Volumetric Video Production and gave an outlook about future projects.

In addition to 3IT and other companies, there were 3IT partners such as Sony and Fraunhofer IIS attending and presenting their projects as well. Innovatour’s goal of bringing together global technology companies and innovative startups, thus providing the opportunity to network and present interesting technologies was certainly a success! Many questions have been asked and answered and new connections have been made. The 3IT-Team is happy to have been able to join this exciting new event format!