On November 10 the 3IT will be hosting the GAMES:NET INDUSTRY DAY. It is the recruitment event in the Games Industry in the capital region.
The GAMES:NET INDUSTRY DAY is the platform for the encountering of students, young professionals and interested people from the interdisciplinary areas Game Design, IT, Animation, Marketing and Finance with experienced experts with a focus on the gaming industry.
The participating companies are introducing themselves with their latest projects and giving some insights in their practice. After this introduction round the companies are having the opportunity within an exhibition to get in touch with their future talents
After the official event there will be a get-together sponsored by Warsteiner and Red Bull.
Thursday 10 November 2016
Salzufer 6
Entrance Otto-Dibelius-Strasse
10587 Berlin
14.00 Doors open
14.15 Welcome Speeches, Andrea Peters, media:net berlinbrandenburg; Steffen Krach, secretary of state for science, senate administration for education, youth and science, Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg, Antje Nestler, Carina Schoo, Kathleen Schröter, Fraunhofer HHI
14.33 Experimental Game (Presentation in German)
14.40 Pfeffermind Games (Presentation in German)
14.47 Exozet (Presentation in German)
14.54 kunst-stoff (Presentation in German)
15.01 Freak 4U: PR (Presentation in German)
15.08 Stratosphere Games (Presentation in German)
15.15 mybet (Presentation in German)
15.22 Epic Games (Presentation in English)
15.28 Miriquidi Film (Presentation in English)
15.35 Trotzkind (Presentation in English)
15.42 Altagram (Presentation in English)
15.49 TreasureHunt (Presentation in English)
15.56 Paymentwall (Presentation in English)
17.03 Booster Space (Presentation in English)
17.10 Get-Together
18:30 Doors Close
Salzufer 6
Entrance Otto-Dibelius-Strasse
10587 Berlin