INDUSTRY DAY Advertising and Digital Agencies

Our first INDUSTRY DAY for the advertising and digital industry will take place on 08 November. Agencies from the creative industries can present themselves and their vacancies and get to know potential new talents.

All creative agencies from the fields of PR, marketing, advertising, digital and strategy should feel invited, so should everyone that calls himself a creative. In cooperation with the universities on site, we invite students, alumni and juniors to short company presentations.

The companies can present themselves to young talents and professionals in 7 quick minutes at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute. Following the introducing round, potential employers and employees can meet for a relaxed get-together and exchange all other important details. Interested alumni, students, juniors and seniors are welcome to register for free!

The event starts at the CINIQ Center and will be followed by a get-together in the showroom of the 3IT. For further Information check out the webseite of media:net berlinbrandenburg.

Date: 08 November 2018

CINIQ Center & 3IT – Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies
Salzufer 6
Entrance Otto-Dibelius-Strasse
10587 Berlin