A big event for great prictures: The fourth edition of the Media Innovation Platform event series, which is organized by the German TV Platform, is all about producing content in Ultra HD and HDR. The event will focus on live production, HDR grading, distribution, and marketing of content and Ultra HD devices.
These topics will be highlighted in lectures and workshops with top-class industry experts including ARRI, Constantin Film, ProSieben Sat1, Studio Hamburg, and UFA at the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.
Please note that the event will be held in German!
Wednesday, 03 April 2019
Schloss Schönbrunn
1130 Vienna
Please note: Since the event will be given in German language also the agenda is in German:
Mittwoch, 03.04.2019
ab 9:30 Uhr Registrierung und Kaffee
10:30 Uhr Eröffnung: Andre Prahl, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland Vorsitzender der Deutschen TV-Plattform
10:40 Uhr Key Note
11:10 Uhr Die Zukunft des Videobildes zwischen HD, UHD und HDR:
Johannes Züll Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Studio Hamburg
11:40 Uhr Light and Color in the Age of Fast Fiction: Nicolas Goodwin, Leiter Postproduktion Constantin Film
12:10 Uhr Einführung in die Workshops
12:20 Uhr Lunch & Networking, Demos & Fair
13:20 Uhr Zwei parallele Durchgänge von Workshop #1 und Workshop #2:
und Workshop # 1 UHD/HDR Postproduktion: Worauf es wirklich ankommt!
14.20 Uhr Oskar Kammerer, Supervisor Look / Head Colorist UFA Serial Drama; Florian „Utsi“ Martin, Executive of Business Innovations & Senior Colorist, ARRI; Tammo Steinmetz, Geschäftsführer Studio Hamburg Postproduction; Moderation: Felix Seibert-Daiker
Workshop # 2 Live is live! UHD/HDR-Sport und Show Produktion
Karl Petermichl, Strategy & Innovation Officer, ORF; Harry Petry, Head of Engineering, Host Broadcast Services HBS; Martin Späth, Supervisor Live-Broadcast, UFA Show & Factual; Moderation: Frank Heineberg, CBC
15:10 Uhr Coffee Break, Demos & Fair
15:30 Uhr Round Table – Schöne neue UHD-Welt Herausforderungen für Produktion, Verbreitung und Endgeräte:
Nicole Agudo Berbel, Chief Distribution Officer & EVP Digital Publishing ProSieben Sat.1 Media SE; Stefan Kunz, Vice President Broadcast Services Technology, Sky Deutschland; Christoph Mühleib, Geschäftsführer ASTRA Deutschland; Armando Romagnolo, Marketing Director Consumer Electronics, Panasonic
16:25 Uhr Schlussworte: Andre Prahl, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland Vorsitzender der Deutschen TV-Plattform
Participation is free of charge. We would be pleased to receive your registration via our online form. Please note that participation in the event is only possible after prior registration and within the limits of available seats.
Schloss Schönbrunn
1130 Vienna