Science Match: Technology Innovation

Celebrate 90 years of research with innumerous insights to the digital future

 Technology Innovation Science Match celebrates 90 years of excellent research for the digital society of the future focusing on the development work at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI. Fraunhofer HHI is a world leader in the development of mobile and optical communication networks and systems, fiber optical sensor systems as well as the processing and coding of video signals. Numerous insights into the future of Technology Innovation in one day: Let yourself be inspired by internationally renowned scientists and experts who will highlight major technological trends and innovations of the digital transformation. Celebrate the Anniversary of Innovation with key stakeholders of the digital future in science, politics, economy and society.


Karl-Marx-Allee 131a
10243 Berlin

Program Technology Innovation

08:30 am Admission and Beginning of Exhibition and Networking

Moderation: Astrid Frohloff, Television Presenter

09:30 am Opening

Welcome Address: Martin Schell and Thomas Wiegand, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI

Keynote: Georg Rosenfeld, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

Keynote: Christian Thomsen, Technische Universität Berlin

Welcome Address: State Secretary Matthias Machnig, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

10:15 am Session I: Information, Video, Wireless, Optical Communications

Chaesub Lee, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau at International Telecommunication Union

Future of Media

Helmut Bölcskei, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zurich

Mathematics of Information

Yonina Eldar, Department of Electrical Engineering at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Recovering Lost Information in the Digital World

Giuseppe Caire, Department of Telecommunication Systems at Technische Universität Berlin

Multistandard, Multiband, Multiantenna: A Rainforest Architecture for 5G and Beyond

Peter Winzer, Optical Transmission Systems and Networks Research Department at Nokia Bell Labs

Fiber-Optics Research: Feeding the Workhorse of the Internet

Jens-Rainer Ohm, Institute of Communication Engineering at RWTH Aachen University

Advances in Video Compression – Bigger Data to Smaller Bitstreams

11:30 am Matching Break

12:00 pm Session II: Security, Quantum Information, Haptics, Mathematics

Arne Schönbohm, Federal Office for Information Security

Cybersecurity as an Enabler for Digitization

Jens Eisert, Institute of Physics at Freie Universität Berlin

Steps Toward Quantum Technologies

Holger Boche, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Technical University of Munich

Towards a General Theory of Information Processing

Gitta Kutyniok, Institute of Mathematics at Technische Universität Berlin

Optimally Efficient Imaging? Use Mathematics

Eckehard Steinbach, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Technical University of Munich

Enabling Remote Touch Experiences: T-Skype, T-Commerce and Beyond

Christof Schütte, Zuse Institute Berlin

God space: Where Everything is Simple.

01:15 pm Lunch Break

02:45 pm Session III: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Neuroscience

Franz Kraus, ARRI AG

Innovative Imaging Options for  a Conservative Industry

Lena Gieseke, Department of Media Technologies at Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Creative Technologies

Arno Villringer, Department of Neurology at Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Heart, Body, Brain: Where are Our Thoughts?

Wolfram Burgard, Research Lab for Autonomous Intelligent Systems at University of Freiburg

Probabilistic Techniques for Robot Navigation and Beyond

Sepp Hochreiter, Institute of Bioinformatics at Johannes Kepler University of Linz

Deep Learning Revolutionizes Artificial Intelligence

Alexander Keller, NVIDIA

Reinforcement Learning – When Machine Learning Becomes Personal

04:00 pm Matching Break

04:30 pm Session IV: Photonic Systems and Devices

Carlos Lee, European Photonics Industry Consortium

Photonics is Everywhere

Michal Lipson, Electrical Engineering Faculty at Columbia University

Silicon Photonics

Michael Liehr, American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics

Integrated Photonics

Drew Nelson, IQE

Compound Semiconductor Cluster Developments in Europe

Wilhelm Kaenders, TOPTICA Photonics

The Quantum will not Go Away. Let’s Make Use of them.

Heinz-Wilhelm Huebers, Institute of Optical Sensor Systems at German Aerospace Center in the Helmholtz Association

Terahertz Photonics: From the Lab into Space and Back

05:45 pm Closing Remarks and Farewell

Martin Schell, Thomas Wiegand, Sebastian Turner

06:30 pm Get Together

There will be a participation fee of 900,00 Euros. To take part in the  event we kindly ask you to register here.

Kosmos Berlin
Karl-Marx-Allee 131a
10243 Berlin